Friday 15 March 2013

week 1 information technlogy


Today I started to join classes information technology,It was very nice because all of friend is very nice.After that,our lecturer Miss  Nur Khairunnisha Bt.Zainal make one activities to all of us.The activities that I means is ice breaking.During that time,we  can know each other.Then,our lecturer also asked about what course did you take before? and she also introduce us about I.T... In Information technology have many part in there.The one of the part is about computer,computer is a programmable machine that carried out.In evolution of computer have fifth generation about computer:

  • First generation is vacuum tube in 1940 -1950,
  • Second generation is transistors in 1950-1964,
  • Third generation is integrated circuits(microchip) in 1964-1974,
  •  Fourth generation is VLSI(very large scale integration) & ULSI (ultra large scale integration) in 1974 present . 
  • Fifth generation is artificial intelligence in Now & Future.


  • Embedded computers
  • Mobile Device
  • PC (personal computers)
  • Mid range Servers
  • Mainframes
  • Supercomputer 

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