Sunday 9 December 2012




Today I would to talk about Truncation and Wildcard.It teach me how to retrieve multiple spellings of a root word or word stem, such as singular and plural forms.Other than that, it also teach me how to use in the right way.
As you know truncation is using a wildcard at the end of a root word.But it also check a database  truncation  is using a wildcard  at the end of a root.The example is like, protect* OR conserv* OR regulat* would retrieve multiple spellings of these synonyms.

A wildcard is a special character, such as an asterisk (*), question mark (?), or pound sign (#), that replaces one or more letters in a word. It usually  represents  a single character.For example wom?n will return woman, women, and womyn.

Phrase Searching
Phrase searching is when you use a string of words to search with.For your information when you using phrase searching you will retrieve fewer results.However,when you want to  use it in database you should put your phrase between brackets ( ) or inverted commas ".For example:

      “information literacy" or (information literacy)
But, if you put and in the middle or you don’t put brackets   of this sentence like, information and literacy @information literacy, you will get different meaning of your sentences.

To sum up, truncation is function of wildcard   can be using at the  end of root word and in database is using at the end  of root. Other than that, wildcard  is special character and usually  represents a single character.
Okay  tq  for see my blog.

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